HQMAG celebrates its 40th anniversary
Without you this would not have been possible.
This is why HQMAG has decided to mark the occasion by sending terrariums
to its loyal partners and customers.

But why a terrarium ?
The terrarium embodies lasting memory feeling that we have been keen to build, with you, for 4 decades.
It is also a biotope functioning in permanent balance and in total autonomy. These qualities perfectly define our locking ranges.
Eventually, initially, the terrarium was designed to bring back exotic plants from distant lands. And so, 40 years ago, two friends made the crazy bet to market, for the first time in Europe, a revolutionary locking solution, coming from across the Atlantic.
Why having placed a Ficus Ginseng there?
And a HQMAG electromagnet?
The Ficus Ginseng, easily identifiable by its apparent roots, symbolizes endurance, resistance and eternity. It is also considered a lucky charm for the recipient. The parallel with our HQMAG electromagnets and the attention we pay to you seemed obvious to us!